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Chichester & District Canine Society Open Show 2015 Critique

Thank you to all the exhibitors who came out on a cold January to support. It’s very much appreciated. There’s always a great welcome from the Southern exhibitors and it’s a well run show so it is certainly to be recommended.


1 REGALFLIGHT ROMAN - 15 month dog. Liked this youngster. He had an attractive head with good small ears and correct bite. Lovely good tight feet and good bone. Decent depth of chest for age. Needs to settle on the move and standing but he’s only young and this was, I understand, his first show.

 2 SORISDALE MACLINDON - 10 year old bitch. She was in good condition and moving well and freely, a real credit to the owner. Good harsh coat with decent feet. Good rear angulation.


1 PACKWAY COMANCHE MOON - 2 year old dog. This was a big strong dog maturing well with a mid grey good harsh coat. Dark eye and lovely masculine expression. Strong neck and decent depth of chest. Good bone and feet. Moderate angulation. Good strong loin with appropriate fall away, but he was not really striding out in this ring. Overall, in excellent muscular condition. RBOB


 1 FREYJA AT NOBYS – 7 year old bitch.  This was not a large bitch but she was not exaggerated in any way and for me had the best overall balance and movement which won her BOB. She is a shapely bitch and is well constructed with good bone, strong quarters and good bend of stifle.  Good depth of chest and nice harsh coat. BOB

 2 LORD SEAFIELD OF HARTVALLEY  - 9 year old dog. Strong dog and very fit for age with good muscle tone. He was very well presented and was a pleasure to go over. Ears could have been a bit smaller, but they did not detract from a lovely masculine expression. Excellent bone. Good depth of chest and free movement.


Prof Elise Cartmell (Cusidh)